Monday, November 19, 2012

4 More weeks dedicated to abs

Hello friends! I'm so retarded it's not 4 weeks it's actually 10 weeks -__- lol

ANYWAY. I'm doing a 4 week challenge starting now until December 10.
I'm just enforcing rules that I normally should've followed lol.
-No sugary treats. Not even on Thanksgiving.
-SUPER low carbohydrates. Meaning no pasta, rice, or bread.
-More protein. (Shakes, spinach, and other veggies)
-Always keep a snack with you in handy just in case.
-Ab workouts EVERY DAY. Fasted cardio 3x a week.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ciabatta Bread Recipe

No knead and only 3 hours of rising (instead of 18 hours).

I tried both 3 hour and 18 hour rise but I much prefer the 3 hour rise than the 18. It's up to you though, if you're willing to wait that long :)

The one on the right is pita bread, but the one on the right is my 3 hour ciabatta bread. Jay loved it! I loved it. I will now share with you how I made it.

What I used:
2 Bowls
2 towels
Wooden spoon
3 1/4 cups of flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp yeast (I used Fleischmann's Active Dry Yeast)
1 1/2 cup of warm water
1 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
1 baking pan

So in your bowl, add your flour, salt, sugar, yeast, water, and olive oil and then mix it with your wooden spoon. The consistency at first is that it's too dry, and then later it's too sticky. DON'T PANIC. This dough is supposed to be super sticky. Don't change the recipe, don't add anything.

Flour your CLEAN counter top or something you can put the dough on. Then cut in half. This is big enough for 2 loafs. Place both in separate bowls and cover the bowl with a towel. You can use foil if you want. Let it rest for 1 hour.

1 hour later...
Take the dough out and make it into a shape of a square. Fold the left side of the square in the middle, then the right side of the dough in the middle. Continue to fold the top and bottom of the square. Kind of punch it in with the bottom of your palm so that it sticks to itself. Turn it over and repeat. Do this with the other dough also. THEN... cover with your towel and let it rest for another hour.

1 hour later...
repeat everything up there.

1 hour later... (again)
repeat everything again. This is the final rest.

1 hour later... (finally)
Lightly coat the baking pan with olive oil and flour. Place each of the dough on the baking pan and stretch it out lengthwise. It should be able to reach each end of the pan. Sprinkle both doughs with flour so that it's not sticky at the top. Preheat your oven to 450 and then bake for 30 minutes. Every 10 minutes or so sprinkle some water on to the crust.