Tuesday, May 21, 2013

German Shepherd Dog - Puppy with Parvo Day 2 of Diagnosis

Last night, he ate rotisserie chicken and rice and drank his own water and a little of Pedialyte.

I was up at 4AM to give him his meds and I gave him some Pedialyte and water.
10AM I gave him another set of his meds and made him food that he ate. I even made it twice for him this morning. Gave him some Pedialyte and water. My mom told me that he did not have diarrhea and just peed a lot. I'm hoping this is a good sign.

12PM I gave him meds again and gave him more rotisserie chicken. Every time I gave him some they were about 1 cup worth. No skin. This time I didn't give rice with it.

--  It's now 12:30 and I just called the vet right now to ask if this was a good sign, he said no. Jack, my GSD, shouldn't be eating any solid food for a few more days as it would induce diarrhea and should just stick with Pedialyte and his meds. So no more chicken and rice.

*sigh.. I thought things were going well, apparently Jack eating could easily backfire on us. So no more food until Friday.

I also give him 3-4 syringes (3cc) of Pedialyte every few minutes. Just to make sure he's hydrated enough. He looks so skinny, I hope things turn up soon.

Update again later


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