Wednesday, March 20, 2013

No More Meat

I've been gone for so long and now you know nothing of me.

I stopped eating meat. I eat fish, but no pork, beef, and chicken. I'm so glad I did it! I thought I would be miserable, but in fact the complete opposite. I am much happier as a person. How does that make sense, you ask? Well I finally rid my body from the chemical stuff inside meat. It's only the beginning, but definitely a start.

...that humans were originally created only to consume vegetation? When we were still in the Garden of Eden, we were to harm no animals but to enjoy them. Our food were the fruits and vegetables that grew around the garden. It wasn't until later that we started eating meat. I think we started consuming meat around Noah's time.

...the only reason we consumed meat to begin with was because vegetation wasn't year round. It would snow, rain too much, or too much heat and kill the plants. So, for survival, we ate meat to keep ourselves stuffed for the winter. We store the fat from the meat the best because they have a lot of fat! Back then we needed all the fat we can get because for days we would have nothing to eat. Our body was made to store the fat as soon as it received it. Except back then, humans weren't actually fat because we burned off a lot of calories mainly just because we were trying to survive in the wild. Possibly running from a predator, hunting for food, and walking everywhere. These days, our vegetation is year round and we no longer hunt for food nor need extra fat because we don't have to "starve through the winter nights."

I will get into depth with this meat thing another time.

Also, just to put this out there, I have nothing against whoever eats meat. You are not an idiot for eating meat. I simply believe I have no need for it. It's no longer a necessity for me to have meat in my system.

More on this later, but right now I will sleep.


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