Wednesday, March 20, 2013

WHY: I stopped eating meat

I don't eat meat anymore simply because I don't need it.

People believe that the only source of protein is to get it from chicken or steak, when in fact you get more harm in eating meat nowadays than actually reaping the benefits.

Back in the years, they had farms that literally were actual farms that you would see in the cartoons. They had the animals they raised for their family so they can eat rather than mass producing for the entire state. They fed these animals actual feed so they would grow up in a normal pace. They were all free range farm animals which means they weren't stuffed in little cages their whole lives. They were raised properly with no torturing, no chemicals, and they laid eggs naturally. The animals multiplied organically with no help of artificial insemination. No injections of hormones to speed up the growth of the animals.

Where to begin... Have you actually visited a slaughterhouse before?
Just to make this a little easier on the mind, I'll only give few details of what actually goes on in the slaughterhouses now.
The chicken are stuffed in a small cage. Their beaks clipped off so that they don't peck each other to death. In this small cage that could only fit probably 2, contain 7 hens that are bred to lay eggs. Out of these 7 hens, 1-2 will die because their uterus have been over producing eggs. 1-2 more will die because it's been squished. Once they are dead, it could be days or even weeks for someone to notice some are dead within the cages. They are left there until someone finally removes them and puts them in a place to be prepared for dismemberment.

When the eggs hatch, they are given food to make them fat. Usually corn based food and some sort of steroid. In the 23rd week of their lives, they are still "adolescent" chicks but look just like a full grown chicken, if not bigger. They live inside a building where they are herded by machines rather than roaming around like a normal chicken. These chicken then die of heart failure because their breasts are too big and is suffocating their little hearts. Their legs also cannot support their weight anymore so therefor some others die just on that spot. When it's time for killing, they use a machine to herd the animals all in one spot to kill them. (Not going to describe the process)

The cow will undergo artificial insemination and after they give birth, the calf has about two days to stay with the mother cow and then the workers literally drag away the calf. The calves then get sorted out. One will be grounded up to hamburger meat and depending on the gender, the females will be raised for milk and the reproduction process and the males will be raised for steak and other bigger cuts of beef.

The female cows will then lactate a lot since it just gave birth and we will take their milk for ourselves. The whole life of the female cows are just that: to give birth, lactate and repeat until the day they die and then they go for dismemberment.

Same thing. Artificial insemination. Then the male piglets will be castrated by hand, (they will just pull off his testicles) with no anesthetics because it's too costly. Out of the 50 piglets, 25% will die of infection and malnurishment. Another 15% will die because of the environment (they might've got caught onto the gate, stepped on by the workers, or trampled over by other pigs.)

Some piglets will be dragged upside down by a machine to dip their heads in water with electricity and then will be thrown in boiling water. After that, they will be skinned and put on a conveyor belt for dismemberment. Then bacon comes out.

Please don't misunderstand, this is only meant to inform you. Just because you eat meat it doesn't mean you are a terrible person.

There is nothing wrong with having a farm or any of the sort and then eating the animal you have in your farm. My grandparents used to have a farm and our family ate what we had in our farm. The difference is, they were organic. Which means there were no hormones injected and the animals were free range. They laid eggs because they wanted to, not because they were chemically engineered to. Also we didn't torture them before we killed them.

I stopped eating meat for the animals. The health benefits just followed along.
All animals are tortured before they are packed for food. Almost all are injected with some sort of hormone/steroid for growth. I don't blame them for doing it since the demand for meat is very high in North America. Mass production of animals are the only current method known to us that will meet the demands of the people. In the end, it's all about money. I'm not for that at all.

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